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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Eliminate Pet Stains with a Vapor Steam Cleaner

A vapor steam cleaner is a unique cleaning machine suitable for removing pet stains and other kinds of dirt caused by pets, such as hair, food residues, and pet excretion. They are widely used by professional pet businesses, including groomers and veterinarians.

Why Steam Cleaners
Cleaning up after animals using cleaning chemicals and scrub brushes is time consuming and tiresome. Most pet professionals prefer vapor steam cleaner machines for keeping their floors and walls clean. These machines virtually melt away the stains and dirt created by pets and dropped food residues. At the same time, the best machines can extract pet hair and other particles.

When selecting a vapor steam cleaner, one has to consider two aspects of the machine: cleaning power and extraction efficiency.

Cleaning Power
The cleaning power of a steam cleaning machine depends on its output temperature. Quality models have an output temperature of between 310°F and 360°F. Such high temperatures are suitable for melting away the stains as well as deodorizing carpets.

Extraction Efficiency
Simultaneous vacuum extraction is available on top machines by Daimer®. This enables users to dissolve stubborn stains and deposits while extracting softened residues for complete cleaning. Another key feature is HEPA filtration. These filters can absorb any particle with a size more than 0.3 micron, removing allergens and improving the indoor air quality of any pet care facility.

The vapor steam cleaning machines supplied by Daimer® duly fulfill both these conditions. For more information about these machines, visit