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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tile and Grout Cleaning

A vapor steam cleaner is an ideal machine for cleaning tile and grout. Steam can loosen dirt and make the cleaning process easier. Kitchen and bathroom areas often accumulate stubborn dirt on tile and in grout lines that scrubbing cannot remove. Using strong detergents are not only expensive; they can be toxic and corrosive as well. However, these areas are required to be thoroughly clean, particularly if you are running a business. The best way to achieve this level of hygiene is by using a vapor steam cleaner.

A vapor steam cleaner uses dry steam to break down the bonds attaching dirt particles to the surface. Once the dirt is loosened from the surface, you can remove it more easily. Steam temperatures need to be high enough to dissolve stubborn, hardened deposits on tile and within grout lines, which is why Daimer® machines use superheated steam with temperatures reaching up to 360°F.

In addition to removing hardened, grimy deposits, a vapor steam cleaner can also remove stains on tiles. Food coloring, wine spills, and dried ketchup can be removed from tiles quickly, leaving them shiny and stain free. You do not have to use pungent, corrosive detergents to accomplish these results either. Just use a vapor steam cleaner. To further enhance power, consider pairing this system with a green cleaner, like Eco-Green® Tile and Grout Cleaner with Rust Stain, Calcium, Lime, & Rust Remover.

Remember, a vapor steam cleaner cannot remove heavy layers of grease. If your kitchen area accumulates grease on a daily basis, investing in a pressure washer is recommended. Learn more about how a vapor steam cleaner and pressure washer can clean tiles on