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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Can Your Vapor Steam Cleaner Kill Bacteria?

A vapor steam cleaner has a number of cleaning benefits that conventional cleaning methods do not offer. Since these systems use steam heated at high temperatures, they offer a high level of cleaning power that can dissolve and remove the most stubborn stains. However, many commercial and industrial operators are looking for more. Though other brands claim they feature disinfection capabilities, they simply rely on high temperatures. Daimer®, on the other hand, offers an advanced anti bacterial technology that eliminates most harmful bacteria. This technology is known as ATIS® (Advanced Thermal Ionic Sanitization™), an anti-bacterial steam cleaner technology. Independent lab tests showed that this technology eliminated up to 99.9 percent of harmful pathogens, bacteria, and germs from surfaces. Thus, using a vapor steam cleaner with this technology means that you can eliminate pathogens like E.Coli, Salmonella, and Listeria from different surfaces.

For enhanced longevity, Daimer's KleenJet® steam cleaning machines come paired with additional technologies, as well. Self-cleaning boiler technology reduces scale build-up in the boiler, thus enhancing the efficiency of the machine. Many of Daimer's steam cleaning systems are also available with continuous refill technology, enabling users to work continuously without stopping to refill. Other machines on the market require users to shut down, refill, and reheat when the boiler is empty.

This type of vapor steam cleaner with anti bacterial technology and enhanced productivity is ideal for areas like restaurants and commercial kitchens. Since food preparation areas need to be as clean as possible, these steam cleaning machines provide the elimination of harmful bacteria that could otherwise contaminate food. Studies have also shown that many bacteria linger on the inside surfaces of freezers and fridges. A KleenJet® ATIS® vapor steam cleaner can clean these surfaces and remove bacteria without leaving toxic traces like chemical cleaning solutions do. By visiting, you can learn about other steam cleaning technologies.