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Friday, December 4, 2009

How a Vapor Steam Cleaner Helps Create a Healthy Environment

Vapor steam cleaners are commonly used to clean hard and semi-hard surfaces. These machines inject dry vapor onto the surfaces to remove most types Vapor Steam Cleanerof stains. While all steam cleaners are capable of removing dirt and impurities, it should be noted that some models of steam cleaners are better than others.

Take for example, certain models of vapor steam cleaners supplied by Daimer®, a leading distributor of cleaning equipment in the country. These models are superior to the other brands and models found on the market today in terms of creating a healthier environment.

You can attribute two reasons for that. First, Daimer® uses sophisticated features such as continuous refilling technology and embedded vacuum cleaners in its vapor steam cleaners to allow for advanced, continuous cleaning. Second, Daimer® offers two technologies for keeping the environment clean and healthy: ATIS® and HEPA.

ATIS® is a unique technology developed by Daimer® for killing bacteria and fungi. External laboratory tests have proven that vapor steam cleaners equipped with this technology are capable of killing 99.9% of E. coli, listeria, and various kinds of fungi. In addition, some steam cleaners from Daimer® also feature HEPA filters. This allows these machines to extract even the tiniest dust particles and deposit them in water, aiding in air purification.

If you are interested in learning more details about these vapor steam cleaners and cleaning products, feel free to visit